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require_once '../lib/Kendo/Autoload.php';
<div class="demo-section k-content wide">
$series2011 = new \Kendo\Dataviz\UI\ChartSeriesItem();
                array('category' => 'Asia', 'value' => 30.8, 'color' => '#9de219'),
                array('category' => 'Europe', 'value' => 21.1, 'color' => '#90cc38'),
                array('category' => 'Latin America', 'value' => 16.3, 'color' => '#068c35'),
                array('category' => 'Africa', 'value' => 17.6, 'color' => '#006634'),
                array('category' => 'Middle East', 'value' => 9.2, 'color' => '#004d38'),
                array('category' => 'North America', 'value' => 4.6, 'color' => '#033939')

$series2012 = new \Kendo\Dataviz\UI\ChartSeriesItem();
                array('category' => 'Asia', 'value' => 53.8, 'color' => '#9de219'),
                array('category' => 'Europe', 'value' => 16.1, 'color' => '#90cc38'),
                array('category' => 'Latin America', 'value' => 11.3, 'color' => '#068c35'),
                array('category' => 'Africa', 'value' => 9.6, 'color' => '#006634'),
                array('category' => 'Middle East', 'value' => 5.2, 'color' => '#004d38'),
                array('category' => 'North America', 'value' => 3.6, 'color' => '#033939')
                'visible' => true,
                'background' => 'transparent',
                'position' => 'outsideEnd',
                'template' => '#= category #: \n #= value#%'

$chart = new \Kendo\Dataviz\UI\Chart('chart');

$chart->title(array('position' => 'bottom', 'text' => 'Share of Internet Population Growth'))
      ->addSeriesItem($series2011, $series2012)
      ->legend(array('visible' => false))
      ->tooltip(array('visible' => true, 'template' => '#= category # (#= #): #= value #%'))
      ->seriesDefaults(array('type' => 'donut', 'startAngle' => 150))
      ->chartArea(array('background' => 'transparent'));

echo $chart->render();

<style type="text/css">
    #chart {
        background: center no-repeat url('../content/shared/styles/world-map.png');